
You will find below a bibliography related to tennis but also to the sports world

Tennis specific bibliography:

- ASSOCIATION TEACHERS EPS - "Tennis The training of the player" Ed. Association EPS - 1987

- BRECHBÜHL (J.) "The mastery of tennis" 2nd edition. Ed. Payot - 1982

- BUCHER (W.) "1000 tennis exercises and games" Ed. VIGOT - 1989

- CHAUVEAU (J.) & JAQUET (G.) "Mini-Tennis in elementary school" Ed. Revue EPS - 1997

- CRESPO (M.) & ELLIOT (B.) & REID (M.) "Biomechanics of High Level Tennis" Ed.ITF - 2003

- DE ROUBIN (O.) & GERBAUD (C.) "Guide to natural tennis" Ed. Calmann-Lévy - 1983

- NATIONAL TECHNICAL DIRECTORATE (2) - "The teacher's notebook": the organization and principles of teaching for young people -Ed.FFT (2014)

- NATIONAL TECHNICAL DIRECTION (n°3bis) - "Teaching in the club - Special teenagers" Ed.FFT - 2002

- NATIONAL TECHNICAL DIRECTORATE (4) - "The physical training of the tennis player" Ed. FFT - 2011

- NATIONAL TECHNICAL DEPARTMENT (9) - "The mental training of the young player" Ed.FFT - 2002

- NATIONAL TECHNICAL DEPARTMENT (10) - "Essential exercises for the high level" Ed.FFT - 2003

- frery (JC) "The game of tennis" Ed. Chiron - 1997

- GALLWEY (T.) "Tennis and concentration" Ed. Robert LAFFONT - 1992

- LAFAIX (R.) "Tennis - A new coaching to win" Ed. AMPHORA - 2012

- LE DEUFF (H.) - "The physical training of the TENNIS PLAYER..." Editions Revue EPS - 2000

- LE DEUFF (H.) - "TENNIS – Muscle strengthening – 102 sessions" AMPHORA Editions - 2002

- LETORT (O.) "To the cooleurs of learning" Ed. Tenniscooleurs

- LETORT (O.) "Once upon a time tennis" Ed. Tenniscooleurs

- LETORT (O.) "Mini-tennis player time" Ed. Tenniscooleurs

- LETORT (O.) "Mini-tennis. A story" Ed. Tenniscooleurs

- LETORT (O.) "Tennis Coolers" Ed. Tenniscoolers

- LETORT (O.) "Evolutionary tennis" Ed. Tenniscooleurs

- LETORT (O.) "Evolutive Tennis - Tennis Cooleurs" Ed. Tenniscooleurs

- LETORT (O.) "8-9-10... I play tennis" Ed. Tenniscooleurs

- LOUIS (E.) "Racket sports" Dossier EPS n° 53. Ed. Revue EPS - 2000

- MARCHON (JC) & RIEU (C.) "Mini-tennis / Tennis maxi-tennis" Ed. Vigot - 1986

- MEDAETS (E.) "TENNIS - Motivation Concentration Self-confidence! Practical mental training for everyone" Self-publishing 2015


- MOURATOGLOU (P.) "Educate to win" Ed. AMPHORA - 2007

- MOUREY (A.) "Tennis and pedagogy" Ed. Vigot - 1986

- PARIER (J.) "Tennis, a passion, a way of life: Understand, treat, prevent - Manual for the use of the player" – 2010

- RIEU (C.) "Mini-tennis" Ed. Amphora, 1992

- ROCHE (F.) & PERRIN (JC) - TENNIS "Physical preparation" - Ed. Amphora - 1997

- SCHÖNBORN (R.) "Practice of tennis" Ed. Vigot - 1983

- TALBOT (P.) - "Energy sectors and real game times" Revue EPS n°226 – 1990

- TAYLOR (M.) and HUGHES (M.) in "Science and rackets sports II" p.260-264. "Comparison of the styles of play between the first 18 junior tennis players of Great Britain, and those of the rest of the world" Spon Editions 1998

General bibliography related to the sports world:

- AZEMAR (G.) & RIPOLL (H.) "Tactical training by observation in team sports (basketball)" - In "Neurosciences of sport: processing of visual information, decision-making and realization of action in sports" (1987)

- Billat (V.) - "Physiology and methodology of training - From theory to practice" - Ed. De Boeck University - 2012

- COMETTI (G.) - "Modern bodybuilding methods - TOME 1: Theoretical data University of Burgundy - UFR STAPS of Dijon - 1988

- COMETTI (G.) - "Modern bodybuilding methods - TOME 2: Practical data University of Burgundy - UFR STAPS of Dijon - 1988

- EGGER (JP) – "From strength training to specific preparation in sport" The notebooks of INSEP Vol.1 – n°1 – 1992

- GEOFFROY (C.) - "Guide to stretching for athletes" – New edition 2000

- GERBEAUX (M.) & BERTHOIN (S.) - "Aerobic fitness and practice in children and adolescents Physical preparation by 2000" PUF Editions - 1999

- HARRICHAUX (P.), MEDELLI (J.) - "VO2 max. and performance" CHIRON Editions - 1996

- HELLAL (H.), JOUSSELIN (ed.), DEMARAIS (Y.) - "Recovery in sport: approaches to techniques and means" - INSEP notebooks n°14-15 - 1996

- LAMBERTIN (F.) "Football – Integrated physical preparation" AMPHORA Editions - 2000

- MINISTRY OF YOUTH AND SPORTS - INSEP "Assessment of physical value" Works and research in EPS - n°7 October - 1984

- PRADET (M.) "Physical preparation" - training collection - Ed. of INSEP - 1997

- QUIEVRE (J.) & THOREAU (JP) - "Specific bodybuilding - The experience of INSEP javelin throwers - TRAINING Collection - INSEP Editions - 2001

- PLATONOV (VN) - "Sports training – Theory and methodology" Editions Revue EPS - 1984

- THEPAUT-MATHIEU (C.), MILLER (C.), QUIEVRE (J.) - "Strength training - Specificity and planning" - The INSEP notebooks n°21 - 1997

- THIEBAULD (CM) & SPRUMONT (P.) - "Children and sport" – Ed. De Boeck University - 1998

- TRILLES (F.) "The techniques and methods of sports training" CNFPT Editions - 1997

- WEINECK (J.) - "Training Manual" 4th Edition – Ed. VIGOT - 1996

- WILMORE (D.) & COSTILL (J.) - "Physiology of sport and physical exercise" Ed. De Boeck University - 1998

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